Artwork for a couple’s shared milestone. A collection of invitations, signage, and custom logo’s catered to embellish the personality and interests of that perfect day and all the day’s leading forward.

Argan Wedding Invitation
Official wedding invite themed towards a couple’s shared interest of wine. Illustrated vineyard plants were placed in front of a stone background with two stylized fonts to bring a classy yet playful tone to the general feel of the design.

Scotchie Wedding Invitation
Official wedding invite themed towards a couple’s shared interest of the outdoors. Custom themed logo with title splitting through a mountain where upon taking a closer look has a snowboarder, skier, and two rock climber silhouettes (couples shared passions). Font chosen was more playful to match the illustrated mountains with a mountain biker cruising down the hill.

Argan Save the Date
Save the date magnets that utilize the retail space in the photo to coincide with the information needed for the audience. Three different fonts were chosen, along with an arching topper, to blend the whole piece as one.

Kim and Evan Save the Date
Save the date magnets that, once again, utilize the open retail space of the photo to illustrate the couple’s message. A combination of two fonts were used along with line work to stylistically portray this message in a classy and playful tone.

Kelsey & Kelly's 3-Fold Wedding Program
Camp themed, wedding program that was handed out to guests upon arrival of wedding/campsite. Program was front and back, listing people involved, schedule of events, and a backside camp map (not pictured here). Brown and navy fonts were used to stand out on a rustic paper and blend in with the woodsy theme of the wedding.

Kelsey and Kelly Wedding Signage
Signage that was used on a decorated and informational table informing guests about the couples prayer flag request and party favor take-homes. Both were themed to the camping style of their wedding along with a subtle introduction of geometrical shapes - which the couple share a special bond and affection for. These in particular have an honorable mention for design on Martha Stewart’s wedding website that can be found here.